Thursday, September 24, 2020

Torch This: Williams Prof Margaux Kristjansson Burns TPUSA Literature

WILLIAMSTOWN, MA - Just noticed this little bit in the Williams Record. Sound like one of the school's goofy leftwing professors was playing with fire near a TPUSA recruiting table out on the edge of Rte. 2. The table was staffed by Savannah Coelho, a TPUSA national field program representative. As the Record reports

Margaux Kristjansson, a Mellon postdoctoral fellow in the American studies department, burned one of TPUSA’s fliers near the table on Thursday, citing what she believed to be the organization’s “fascist politics.”

“[TPUSA] is totally legitimizing an idea of the U.S. as somehow under attack by socialism, which is a total ideological sleight-of-hand used to deflect from the ways that the U.S. as a state is built on the ongoing theft of Indigenous land and ongoing structural anti-Blackness,” Kristjansson said in an interview with the Record.

Margaux's picture on the Williams College website, right, looks more like a booking photo for a handcuffed BLM protestor than the headshot of an Ivy league educator. She is probably glad Rate My Professor ditched its hotness ratings. She is teaching grievance study courses with catchy titles like Indigenous Feminisms and Settler Colonialism, Care, Kinship, and Social Reproduction.

The Record turned to the brave John DiGravio ’21 for a comment. He said, “I do not have any comments on TPUSA. The Society for Conservative Thought has no affiliation or contact with the organization.”

The good news is that it looks like some students are interested in setting up a TPUSA chapter at Williams College. The Record reports, 

Though most students who visited TPUSA’s stand disagreed with Coelho, she claimed that at least three students had privately expressed support for her throughout the day. She saw these private indications of support as part of a broader culture of intolerance towards conservatives at the College, pointing to the lack of a College Republicans club on campus.

If Coelho needs any help with this effort, please let her know she has friends over here at Williams Liberty or the new Instagram account, conservativeatwilliams

John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist and a former Williams College professor. He is an occasional contributor at American Thinker, Breitbart, Front Page, PJMedia and WND. 

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