Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sam Alterman Attacks: Fear the Aristocow

 WILLIAMSTOWN, MA - I was checking out the Instagram account, blackatwilliams, and saw myself being smeared by Sam Alterman '18. The backstory is that Quess Green '20 uploaded a complaint about my coverage of his viral YouTube video featuring a cringe-worthy vogue performance which was taped during his leave of absence from Williams over academic difficulties. You can see the original article here and judge for yourself if it is over-the-line. Everything I reported was based on his own online content. 

As far as I can tell, Sam Alterman '18 wants to promote a distorted view of me online. He posted as follows:

I guess the thing that strikes me as most objectionable is the statement that I have ties to some "pretty dangerous and violent people and movements." That doesn't seem fair at all. 

As far as I can recall, I've never doxed anyone if by doxing we mean revealing their home address or phone number online. I think it is fair to say that I have researched leftwing students, even black students, particularly when those students have been aggressively hostile or bigoted against white students or white professors. 

The nude photo comment, I am guessing, refers to a moment when I responded to one of the students personally attacking me in the comment of an article I had written for Williams Alternative. She was supposedly something of an actress. Her best work, however, seemed to be her participation in a lame shoot. As I recall, the photo only showed her upper back. I thought it was funny and pathetic, but not prurient. The same student later became famous for blowing up much of her left arm during a violent confrontation with police during the Keystone Pipeline demonstrations.   

If you want to learn more about Sam Alterman, you might want to check out his YouTube performance as a member of Williams College's only all-Disney, non-audition a capella group, The Aristocows. I am not sure that the non-audition thing is working for them. Sam Alterman is featured in an unwatchable version of "Try Everything" by Shakira from Disney's Zootopia. This was from the Aristocows - Spring 2017 concert.

If Sam Alterman notices this article, he should feel free to leave a comment. I am particularly interested to learn how he justifies saying I am connected to "pretty dangerous and violent people and movements." Given Sam Alterman's affection for the BLM movement, I think the world has more to fear from his friends than mine. 

John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist and a former Williams College professor. He is an occasional contributor at American Thinker, Breitbart, Front Page, PJMedia and WND. 

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