Saturday, December 7, 2019

This Week in Pictures - Williams College Edition


Anonymous said...

Hello John. I have been following your blogs for some time now, and have a few questions about your 'this week in pictures' posts that are regularly uploaded here. First, what do these images have to do with Williams? I'm struggling to see the connection here. Second, where do you generally find them? Do you make them yourself, or is there a website that you generally copy them from? How many of the Chad Topaz 4 square fade memes did you make (I'm assuming those are your work, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) and how many times are you going to recycle that meme format? Also, why does every week's series of pictures conclude with at least one (if not more) image of a scantily dressed young woman? Is it clickbait, or is there some underlying political commentary at play here? Or, do all these women have some sort of connection to Williams College (students, alumni, professors, administrators???) that I don't know about? Finally, on a slightly less related note, how do you feel about the fact that comments have been closed on all your posts on Ephblog for some time? How did you feel about it when it first occurred, and has it changed the way you post/interact with that blog and/or your other online plantforms? Thanks for your time, and for your engagement with Williams College. I myself am a student deeply interested in the dialogue around this institution's values, and would love to hear your thoughts and answers to my questions if possible.

John C. Drew, Ph.D. said...

Great questions. Let me do my best to answer them.

1. What do these images have to do with Williams?

I pick images for "Week in Pictures" based on what I think will be fun to see for conservative students and faculty at Williams College.

2. Where do you generally find them?

I usually get them from conservative websites or Facebook or at the clean comedy group on MeWe.

3. How many of the Chad Topaz 4 square fade memes did you make and how many times are you going to recycle that meme format?

I lost track. Probably forever.

4. Why does every week's series of pictures conclude with at least one (if not more) image of a scantily dressed young woman?

The girls of Williams Liberty are generally models from Maxim or Victoria Secret. The tweets that include a model receive far more clicks - and generate more ad revenue - than tweets which include only a joke. Politically, I'm confronting all the bizarre, politically correct leftist totalitarians who are offended by images of beautiful women.

5. How do you feel about the fact that comments have been closed on all your posts on Ephblog for some time?

Doesn't bother me. I adore Ephblog. It is the best thing that ever happened to positively impact the culture of Williams College. Without it, things would be much worse for conservatives at the school.

6. How did you feel about it when it first occurred, and has it changed the way you post/interact with that blog and/or your other online platforms?

I was in on the decision and agreed it was the best thing for the Ephblog site and the Ephblog audience. Nevertheless, I was reminded that sometimes it is best to strike out on your own, instead of playing by other's rules.

Did that do the trick?