Wednesday, October 16, 2019

WIFI Scandal Results in Williams College CC Loss of Power to Approve Student Groups

WILLIAMSTOWN, MA - It looks like the most interesting Williams College news is now coming from the interviews done on the Press Record podcast.

In this latest podcast, Rebecca Tauber '21 interviews College Council (CC) co-president Ellie Sherman '20. Sherman reveals a number of interesting things that haven't gotten much attention in the Williams Record including a nascent movement for the CC to abolish itself. You can hear the whole podcast along with its nifty jingle by clicking on the link below.

Most alarmingly, Sherman interprets the bigoted anti-white male tirade that marked the April 9, 2019 CC meeting as merely a conflict over funding for Black Previews. In contrast, most of the world saw this as an egregious example of the sort of anti-white harassment that is apparently routinely dished out to, and passively accepted by, white male students at Williams College.

Sherman indicates that a campus poll revealed that the student's top demand of the CC was the call for the abolition and restructure of the CC itself. Sorting through the code words, it looks like the aim of the abolition and restructure effort is to further advantage black students seeking free money by loosening the rules for obtaining funding and reducing the power of the white males who have apparently been standing in the way of dishing out the free money. According to Sherman, the CC is already working with "consultants" on this issue.

From the context of her comments, it is clear that these consultants are seeking ways to advantage black students like Isaiah Blake '21 who demanded money for a Black Preview event which would allow him and his associates to "fucking cook some fried fucking chicken and be niggers for once." Blake's complaint was that he did not like having to ask for this money, asserting it "is like sucking white dick every fucking day."

Apparently, Sherman and her fellow leftists fail to see that the CC would be better off hiring consultants to advice them how to properly conduct a meetings, maintain order, and implement thoughtful measures to guard against corruption. The CC, after all, has been the scene of highly questionable financial dealings in the past regarding the hoarding of CC money by student organizations and the failure of its treasurer to properly handle the CC's financial arrangements last summer.

Later, Sherman indicated that the CC had completely lost its power to approve or disapprove student organizations after the massive conflict over the approval of a student group called Williams Initiative for Israel which resulted in a Title IX investigation of Williams College.

The Press Record podcast also included some of the comments from anonymous students. They were asked what should be the biggest priority of the CC? The answers were interesting:

"Allocating funds."

"Rewriting the bylaws."

"CC should focus on abolishing itself. Rebuilding its foundations to be better in the future." 

"I want them to equally fund all student groups."

"Inclusion and diversity. No diversity, equity." 

"Abolish CC" 

"What does CC stand for?"

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