Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Clueless in Williamstown: Leftist CC Members Ask What's Wrong with Us?

WILLIAMSTOWN, MA - The Williams Record printed a brief statement from the Executive Committee of the Williams College Council which displays the profound degree to which student leaders have failed to learn from their self-made disasters last semester including allowing CARE Now activists to brutally demean white male representatives, discriminating against a Jewish student organization on political grounds, and allowing its members to vote secretly whenever the going got tough. Impervious to reality, the authors of the article seem to completely miss why the CC was subject to massive, national level, negative attention last semester.

The article goes off track almost immediately by failing to recognize that the leftist ideologues who dominate the CC are completely responsible for their own failures, failures which, predictably enough are simply the negative consequences of their own leftist ideology. Instead, the student leaders blame an amorphous "system".
...these problems are not something new. They come up each semester, regardless of who is serving on Council. The issue couldn’t be clearer: CC’s troubles are larger than any one person. They are rooted in its own rules and structure.
Oh, please. Where in the rules and structure does it suggest it is okay to verbally humiliate white male representatives as occurred at the famous April 9, 2019 CC meeting? 

What was so alarming about that effort is that the student representatives failed to protect the white students from the bigoted tirade directed at them by Seyi Olaose '22 and Isaiah Blake '21. Instead, the CC's response then, and now, appears to be that this racist, anti-white, verbal tirade was justified because of they way the CC considers requests from black students. Nonsense. No one should be harmed with verbal abuse. There should be absolutely no tolerance for it. No one deserves it. No one at all. 

In a shocking display of self unawareness, the student leaders assert that they have power on campus apart from the school itself, saying: "We, a small group within CC, may not know the answers to all these questions but what we do know is that the future of student government at Williams will be conceived by its students." Please. Someone on campus needs to educate these privileged kids about reality. The CC is simply, always, a dependent, relatively powerless, toothless organization. It is there to reduce the power of students through co-optation. Simple as that. 

Blind to the causes of its national disgrace, the student leaders of the CC announce they intend to fix their existing problems by doing....wait for it...more of the same! In this case, they plan to reach "...out to members of multiple student clubs that have historically been marginalized by our processes." This excludes, of course, the white male students who have been consistently the targets of abusive practices like affirmative action, vile anti-white ideologues, and biased anti-white professors and staff. 

My prediction. Look forward to a humorous year where the CC does exactly the same things that caused so many problems last year. Also, don't send your precious children to Williams College. If they are there now, find them a better place to grow...somewhere they can thrive.

John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist and a former Williams College professor. He is an occasional contributor at American Thinker, Breitbart, Front Page, PJMedia and WND.

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