Wednesday, August 7, 2019

No Whites Allowed: Williams College Promotes Discriminatory Conference on Technology

As one of the white scholars harmed by affirmative action in the 1980s it really ticks me off to see Williams College promoting anti-white discrimination three decades later. The real institutional discrimination in our society is directed at young whites...not minorities. Here's an example of what I consider pure evil. If the link breaks's a screenshot.

In this example, Williams College is hosting a symposium on "New Voices in Science & Technology Studies" which specifically discriminates against whites. This is the sort of symposium which looks good on someone's CV. The school will be providing a $500.00 honorarium and providing room and board for all the presenters.

As a matter of equity, there really should be a whites only symposium focused on institutionalized discrimination against young white men in technology. For example, what about a paper on the mistreatment of whites at Google?

If you have questions about why whites are facing racial discrimination, then you really ought to send an e-mail to the following address: laura.ephraim@williamscollege.

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