Thursday, April 28, 2022

We Report, You Decide: Did Ex-Math Department Professor Chad Topaz Sexually Harass a Journalist?


WILLIAMSTOWN, MA - A journalist named Christopher Brunet is wondering if he has been sexually harassed online by ex-Williams Math Department professor Chad Topaz. The transcript of Chad Topaz's sexually-oriented comments is posted above. We report, you decide.

Christopher has been covering Chad's efforts to demonize math professors who do not share his woke, anti-racist zeal. As he writes: "In the course of reporting this story, Chad Topaz started rambling about how he wants to molest me."

According to Christopher, multiple professors from Williams College have contacted him and urged him to file an official complaint against Chad.

"I am not sure. My biggest hesitation is that if I file such a claim of sexual harassment, it will trivialize victims of actual sexual harassment. On the other hand… was I sexually harassed? I think I might have been? I don’t know. I am walking away from this encounter feeling more confused than anything. I think Topaz was trying to bully/intimidate me…but in a really sexually aggressive way? Weird."

John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist and a former Williams College professor. He is an occasional contributor at American Thinker, Breitbart, Front Page, PJMedia and WND.

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