Saturday, March 7, 2020

Williams College Sued Again: This Time for Being Stupid

WILLIAMSTOWN, MA - I was shocked to learn that Williams College is being sued by a male student who apparently committed the unforgivable sin of kissing a girl and then not committing himself to being her steady boyfriend...or something. The alarming details are in both the College Fix and Breitbart. The gist of the story comes from the College Fix as follows:

Williams College suspended a male student based on his failure to pursue a relationship with a female student after “kissing and touching” her, according to a lawsuit against the private school. 
Both the unnamed Hispanic student “John Doe” and his accuser “Sally Smith” are foreign students. She accused him of sexual misconduct not because he acted without her consent, John claims, but because he was “culturally insensitive” after their amorous encounters.
Adjudicators misrepresented the evidence in the record, ignored Sally’s messages to John expressing positive feelings about their first amorous encounter, and didn’t even correctly apply the “preponderance of evidence” standard, the suit alleges.
John claims that he was subject to several disadvantages during the investigation and hearing, including that Williams refused to judge the credibility of Sally and witnesses “face to face.” Sally also physically threatened him but the college did nothing, he alleges.
Williams even refused to let John offer evidence that Sally had a history of making “repeated accusations of cultural insensitivity,” casting doubt on her accusations against him.
As far as I can tell, this looks like a case where the leftists in charge of Williams College have been caught promoting negative stereotypes of young men. The harm they are doing to this young man's life is appalling.  I expect he will win so much money that he will be able to attend any law school he wants and win any political office he aspires to.

On a lighter note, the folks over at Barstool Sports have also taken on this story with humorous results. See,

PSA For All The Scumbag Men Out There: If You're Going To Kiss A Girl You Better Be Ready To Date/Marry Her

In addition, the Western Journal is also reporting on this matter. See,

Lawsuit: College Suspended Male Student for Not Dating Woman After They Kissed

John C. Drew, Ph.D. is an award-winning political scientist and a former Williams College professor. He is an occasional contributor at American Thinker, Breitbart, Front Page, PJMedia and WND.

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